Pure goods
Organic products
Sustainable fashion
Quality goods
Fair fashion brands
Organic denim
Sustainable denim
Floortje Dessing clothing brand
Kledingmerk Floortje Dessing
GOTS jeans
High waist jeans
Organic kids clothes
Fair High Waist jeans
Fair boyfriend jeans
Sustainable high waist jeans
Sustainable boyfriend jeans
Fair denim jacket
Sustainable denim jacket
Sustainable clothes
Sustainable clothing
Dry selvedge denim
Duurzame denim
Duurzame jeans
Nachhaltige jeans
Nachhaltige mode
Nachhaltige hosen
Duurzaam kledingmerk
GOTS kleding
Fair fashion
Our journey started in 2000 in Peru, South America. The founders of Kuyichi – NGO Solidaridad – were exploring the cotton industry in Peru and were shocked by the pollution and poverty they saw.
The alternative was organic cotton. Without the use of toxic chemicals, and with a better life for cotton farmers. The most commonly worn product made of cotton is a pair of jeans, so we started making 100% organic denim.