Pure goods

Organic products

Sustainable fashion

Quality goods


Fair fashion brands

Organic denim

Sustainable denim

Floortje Dessing clothing brand

Kledingmerk Floortje Dessing

GOTS jeans

High waist jeans

Organic kids clothes

Fair High Waist jeans

Fair boyfriend jeans

Sustainable high waist jeans

Sustainable boyfriend jeans

Fair denim jacket

Sustainable denim jacket

Sustainable clothes

Sustainable clothing

Dry selvedge denim

Duurzame denim

Duurzame jeans

Nachhaltige jeans

Nachhaltige mode

Nachhaltige hosen

Duurzaam kledingmerk

GOTS kleding

Fair fashion



Our journey started in 2000 in Peru, South America. The founders of Kuyichi – NGO Solidaridad – were exploring the cotton industry in Peru and were shocked by the pollution and poverty they saw.

The alternative was organic cotton. Without the use of toxic chemicals, and with a better life for cotton farmers. The most commonly worn product made of cotton is a pair of jeans, so we started making 100% organic denim.


We annually report on our sustainability efforts through a Sustainability Report. This report includes information about our suppliers, our code of conduct and use of materials.

Download Report


Kuyichi uses organic and recycled materials. Our collection is made of recycled denim, recycled PET, organic cotton, organic linnen and Tencel. All the cotton we use is GOTS certified.


At Kuyichi we believe in taking environmental en social responsibility for our actions. This includes more than making just good products at the right price. We want to give a positive impulse to the garment industry by choosing organic and recycled materials. We select our suppliers with care and want to improve conditions in this industry. Since the beginning of Kuyichi in 2001, this has been the core of our company.


Since the beginning of 2016, Kuyichi made a restart with four new owners. One of them is Dutch Televison host Floortje Dessing. She is familiar with the sustainable fashion business, because she owns two fair fashion stores since 2006. They’re called Nukuhiva and are located in Amsterdam and Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Many denim brands use a leather patch on their jeans. We decided to stop with the use of leather since 2016. We replaced the patch for a patch made of jacron, which makes all Kuyichi jeans vegan. Jacron is made of recycled paper. It is a washable and very resistant material.


We started the organic revolution as being the first brand to produce organic jeans. Along the way we realized that our collection is timeless and keeps its value. We started loving the concept of slow fashion. A beautiful pair of jeans keeps it’s value. That’s why we have let go of the season collections.



OUR name KUYICHI is derived from the Peruvian god of the rainbow who brought color in society as well. Why Peru? The first organic cotton we used was Tanguis cotton from Oro Blanco in Peru.