We’ve partnered up with a Dutch pioneering company, LENA The Fashion Library. At LENA you can rent out clothing like you borrow books in a library. Choose what you like, wear it with love and give it back for the next one to wear it. With our shared circular mindset, eagerness to drive change and Dutch roots, we saw a perfect partnership. We’ve already partnered up with a German rental service, but now all the ladies in the Netherlands can also start renting Kuyichi at LENA!
Research has shown that on average we Dutchies actively wear only 29% of our wardrobe. This means that we did not wear over 70% of the clothes we own in the last 12 months. On top of that, we think we use our clothing more than we actually do. Which leaves us owning a lot of ‘forgotten’ items. For instance, that dress you bought for that one special night out, that Tee you loved two years ago or that unworn pants with the tag still on. And as we forget them, we are also not using them.
LENA saw this as an opportunity to change the way we think about clothing. They believe we can use clothing way more efficient by focusing on the longevity of clothing and bringing down the amount we own. By renting clothing and sharing the items with more wearers, you actually bring down the environmental impact and drive the transition towards a future-proof circular fashion system. That is why LENA The Fashion Library was born in 2014 as one of the first clothing rental services in the industry.

They work with a ‘pay-as-you-borrow’ principle. Each item has a price per day, depending on the value it has. Leaving it up to you how many items, how often or how long you rent. By renting your clothes instead of buying you can have an ever-changing wardrobe. Experiment with different styles and try out completely new things. If it ends up to be a bad match, you can always return it. Or, if you truly fall in love with it, buy them anyway. A sort of try before you buy!
LENA has a diverse offer of vintage items and quality-driven brands and from now on also new Kuyichi items have been added to the collection! You can both visit them online and offline. Rent it online and receive your items through the mail or visit their actual clothing library if you’re in Amsterdam. Go check out LENA‘s offer and try it out yourself!